Hi, I’m Deborah Dennis

I’m a travel & nature photographer

I shoot editorial and commercial images for a variety of clients, from adventure sports companies and travel businesses to not-for-profit organizations.

I have tracked black rhinos, chased lions in the Okavango Delta, rafted down the Zambezi River, hiked up Machu Picchu, got lost in rain forests in Thailand, dove the Great White Wall in Fiji, sea kayaked in Baja, & outrigger canoed in British Columbia to get her photographs.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have photographed on five continents, with recent stock collections from Alaska, Thailand, Southern Africa, New Mexico and the West Coast of the United States. I do both stock and assignment work.


Tracking Black Rhinos in Zimbabwe: The Adventure That Sparked a Passion

My journey as a travel photographer began in 1994 with an unforgettable solo adventure to Southern Africa. After three weeks of exploring the rugged landscapes, I joined an Earthwatch expedition in Zimbabwe, immersing myself in the wild heart of the continent. There, I camped in a remote, fenced-in compound with fellow adventurers, working alongside scientists to protect one of the world’s most endangered animals: the black rhino.

The experience was nothing short of exhilarating. We ventured deep into the bush with armed park guards to track these majestic creatures. The thrill of spotting a rhino in its natural habitat was indescribable. Once located, we assisted wildlife vets in radio-collaring and dehorning to safeguard the rhinos from poachers. It was hands-on conservation at its most intense.

Adventures Await

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